Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mumbai Terrorism and the Hindu Zionists

Pakistani security analyst, Zaid Hamid, in an effort to deflect blame away from Pakistan for their part in the Mumbai terrorist attacks has claimed in an interview on Pakistan's News One television channel that the attacks were instead carried out by both Western and "Hindu Zionists". Hamid stated:

"We have no doubt this was a joint plan by Israelis, Americans and Indians – in other words, this was a joint plan by Western Zionists and Hindu Zionists; in it Israelis are directly involved, there is involvement of Mossad. The details that are coming up – see, if you look at the images, the terrorist they are showing firing in the hotel with machine gun in his hand, he has tied in his hand a saffron band of Hindu Zionists; Muslims do not wear this type of band – their faces are like Hindus, the language in which they are speaking, this language no Pakistani uses."

So now we have a group of Hindu Zionists identified by the wearing of a saffron band (Note: not the blue and white of the Israeli flag). For all those years, India, as leader of the Non-Aligned Movement was showing support for Palestinian interests in the United Nations and now we discover that they're really a group of Jew loving Zionists. What would Herzl think? I think we need to open up an office for the Elders of Zion in New Delhi right away.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Super Rats bred to target Arabs

The Palestinian newspapers, Al-Ayyam (17/07/2008) and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (18/07/2008), have uncovered another Israeli conspiracy to breed genetically enhanced species of super rats designed to torment Palestinians and drive them out of the Old City of Jerusalem. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, claims:

"all efforts to counter this infestation have failed, especially since cats run away from these rats because of their size and ferocity... All of the conventional efforts to kill them have not succeeded, because they seem to be immune to poison and they breed in the sewers. It is known that this female rat gives birth seven times a year, each time giving birth to 20 babies; which compels Jerusalem's [Arabs] today to face the dangers of settlement and the infestation of rats."

The selective targeting of these rats was further exposed by Al-Ayyam who reveal how, "Large numbers of settlers have been bringing huge cages full of rats and releasing them onto the streets and alleys of the Old City in order to turn the residents' life into a living hell, forcing then to leave."

Israeli scientists have been unwilling to share their secrets on how they have bred this species of rat which are larger, more aggressive, more fertile, immune to poison, and unafraid of cats. What's more intriguing is their ability to train these animals to selectively target Jerusalem's Arab population and ignore its Jewish one.

Similar plots were of course exposed in the 1930's, with obsesive, German zoologists writing a series of papers on phenomena such as, "The Elephant and the Jewish Problem", or "Nocturnal birdlife and the challenge of Jewish ornothological control". 'The truth will out' they say, and indeed it has.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

United Nations: Israel responsible for China/Burmese Crises

Our agent, Newton Hoffer, at the United Nations and has reported back to us regarding the UN's motion relating to Israel's responsibility for the environmental catastrophes that have devistated China and Burma in recent weeks.
Allegations of Weather Manipulation involving cyclones, earthquakes and time-travel are taken very seriously at the UN, especially when they are directed against Israel.
At his own press conference shortly following, the Israeli Ambassador (who once again was not informed of any UN meeting) took exception to charges of environmental war crimes. "If the UN adopts this resolution, which by the way has absolutely nothing to do with China or Burma, every Israeli who carries an umbrella will now be viewed as an 'Obstacle to Peace'. I submit that anything Israel does on any given day, can now be defined as a 'provocation'." At that moment, the Libyan Ambassador quickly rose to second the motion, before realizing that he was at a press conference and not a formal vote.
In Washington, US President George W. Bush reaffirmed America's commitment to stand alongside Israel and veto the anti-Israel resolution. He also offered to table his own resolution where the word Junta would be spelled with an 'H' instead of a 'J' "so you don't sound like an idiot mispronouncing it until someone finally corrects you".
The UN is now seriously considering this motion as well.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New webmaster to dupe the gentiles

Congratulations to Rabbi James Stenzel for being appointed to the position of webmaster of, one of our principal weapons of propaganda and psychological warfare on the Internet (See article from July 23, 2007). Rabbi Stenzel of course takes over from the very able Rabbi Frank Weltner who has resigned from his position to return to his wife, Devorah, and Children, Yankel and Mosheh, in the ultra-Orthodox community of Meir Shearim in Jerusalem. We wish Rabbi Weltner Mazel Tov, thank him for his contribution, and look forward to his continued support for the Zionist cause, albeit in a different capacity. Rabbi Stenzel of course has very large pants to fill, and we wish him everything he deserves for the upcoming challenge.